I stopped by Oscar’s Grave today. It’s not something we do daily or even every single week because it doesn’t get any less devastating to be there but every now and then we feel compelled to come here so here I am. I was struck by this plant which is in a planter that we had left there. We don’t replenish it often enough but here in the cloudy grey morning light in the graveyard sits this bright blue and yellow plant.
It brings it all home. This is why we are doing all of this fundraising. When you see David and I massively upbeat about the collective work of Thinking of Oscar what you see is real and genuine. But so is this. I’m on the ground by Oscar’s grave, typing on my phone, the clock bell strikes and the world has stopped. We are not alone with our loss. Today another Oxfordshire family are grieving their lost child. Every now and then even David and I have to stop to take our breath and a reality check. Thinking of Oscar is our way of improving the lives of other unwell children and, perhaps in the future, ensuring that one less family feels what we feel.